Secure online shopping. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. First, consider the word chimera. These methods are the. Standard Sport of Irish Paradise : KBugs Purple Mist (K Darrow/A Bell) Purple semi-double chimera with white stripe and dark purple edge. [Clockwise] Jere’s Hailstorm A mutation of another variety, Jere’s Purple Majesty, this violet and its barrage of blooms reminds Jere of an intense hailstorm. Plantlets produced from tissue cultured leaf explants do not flower true-to-type. Also home of Harmony’s Great Pumpkin (orange Peperomia) Harmony’s Little Stinker (leaf chimera African Violet. African violets thrive in the same atmosphere in which people are comfortable. Paul Sorano appeared in a segment on the Martha Stewart Show on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, representing Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses. Quote. Whitaker) Medium blue star. Email This BlogThis!. Lyndon Lyon Greenhoouses, Inc. Never the same. Other plants subjected to the same lighting, soil, watering and temperature conditions in the growing area did wonderfully,. 00. Here is the link to the chimera page at Lyndon Lyon African violets. K. by Darren Wicks. 1) Diamond Tiffany. Medium green, quilted. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. Welcome to our online store. these are all called Sports. But not if your African Violet is a chimera. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Propagating from cuttings is not likely to produce the same plant that cuttings are taken from. Trailing African violets are perhaps the easiest to grow and bloom, especially for the novice. Pixie Pink 1974 (L. As the space in the standard growing stands (with fluorescent lights) was all occupied I place the new. Chimera African Violets The Chimera African Violet BlogThe Chimera African Violet Blog. Chimera African Violets are, too, a mutation. Home; About. Please sign up for in stock notifications to get. Plant ($10. It never bloomed. Milekhin) Балчуг Одиссей (И. The image above shows the Shimai pattern of the other bloom stalks and the sport. Home; About. « A Grower With An Explantion of Chimera PropagationAfrican violets, are one of the most widely grown houseplants in the world and remain on the top of any list of favorite flowering plants. Bloom 2. But this is not true for African violet chimeras. This entry was written by admin , posted on July 1, 2018 at 12:01 am , filed under Flowering , Propagation , Sport and tagged Flowering , Propagation , Sports . Well known or unknown, sports of or sporting to. A Chimera African violet is a violet with genetic differences, being that the blossom is not a solid color for instance, it could have a background of pink with five or six striped color of purple. Yukako. Semiminiature chimera Sport of Baby Jay: Norton's Firecracker (J Norton) (9759) 05/21/2007 Single-semidouble chimera pink. . Hodges) Semidouble chimera coral star/white stripe. Granger’s Red and White Strip (Grangers) Large bright fuchsia red single star with a bold solid white stripe. This is the first flowering of this plant that is 5-6 inches across growing in. 99) Add to Cart. Posted by admin on March 24, 2010 at 8:56 pm. Natalia was born and still lives in St. Senk's Say What? (R. If a plant has either two dominant genes or one dominant and one recessive for a given trait then the plant will display that. Biologically, the mesophyll tissue (middle of the leaf) and the epidermal tissue (skin tissue) of chimera's flower colour genes are different, of each produces different flower colour pigment. Standard chimera Sport of Fantastic Fading Embers (P. 0. The idea of tissue culture of chimera African violets has been around for sometime. Posted by admin on August 29, 2015 at 10:16 pm. This is the first flowering of this plant that is about 5-6 inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. Click on the link in red to see one of the earlier articles on this subject. See moreMay 22, 2022. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Try this on chimeras with pinwheel flowers and green leaves just the same way. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Standard. This is a standard chimera. For our violet, these parts consist of plant cells of two different genetic makeups. Much of that acceptance is due to the ease of propagation. In mythology, a chimera is a beast constructed of parts from two or more different animals. I am not drawing this as a broad conclusion on all African violets, but on the narrow spectrum of developing Chimeras prior to them blooming. These violets have blue or purple flowers with very subtle ruffles on the end of the blooms. Listing review by Dutch. Home; About. Bookmark the permalink. 99. Sorano) Double chimera pink frilled star/blue stripe, fantasy. If you have any questions please contact me at. Baby Moonbeam (H. $8. Skip to content. 50. If you want a classic white African violet, then the Diamond Tiffany is the one for you. African Violet Chimeras. Medium green, pointed. Ending Saturday at 8:04AM PDT 1d 7h. The variegated African violet chimeras are extremely rare. Click this link to see how to plant African violet seeds. Houseplants New Arrivals Other Gesneriads Potting Mix Rex Begonias Special Offers Supplies Supplies Terrarium Plants ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping. Skip to content. . Once you have determined how many leaves you will save on the. In flowers, produces a pinwheel color pattern with distinct stripes of color on each petal. For example, our new Qwick Covers can extend the store-life of our plants by 2 to 4 weeks. International Shipping; New Concord 2. Sports are plants (or sometimes only a part of a plant) that are different from the original. '. O’Fortuna now has an AVSA Registration #10806 1/7/16 D. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Below is a over view (literally) of the African violet plant. Required fields are marked *More Chimera African Violet Sports and A Possible Double Chimera. International Shipping; Soprt of Shimai. Very tiny amount used in the application. Popular semi-miniature violets: Aca’s Happy Star – the flower is a large semi-double pink star with dark pink rays from the center; Violet Aca’s Happy Star. I have grown the chimera African violet, Yachiyo Tabata in the past. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. 06/23/2998 (Eyerdom) The flower is a single chimera light rose star with a dark red stripe. Note that we’re not just talking about variegation. The pinwheel flowering African violets are periclinal chimeras. Exactly 2 years later what do I see, abnormal blooms on the Mauna Loa. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Log InLED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants. International Shipping; Concord hairs. Bookmark the permalink. I like the. This chimera has medium green leaves. Home; About. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Two genetic information They, as other plant chimeras, contain two genetic information. Learn how to propagate them from suckers. First published in the African Violet Society of America magazine. Standard: Fairy Fireworks (5947) 02/19/1985 (C. Also An Emerald City Sport. Bookmark the permalink. Prepare the growing medium by adding tap water to African violet potting soil until the soil is moist. Rob's Mini-o-lets. -Biscayne Trail: The beautiful trailing of. For the African violets, complete fertilizers with 20-20-20 or 14-14-14 are enough. Posted by admin on October 31, 2021 at 11:17 am. Light weight mini greenhouse. April 15, 2013 – 12:01 am. eu Online Houseplant Shop offering beautiful African violet chimeras. African violet traits such as leaf shape, flower shape and color, etc. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Chimera African Violet, When a Sport Will Not Stop Sporting. Miniature (Russ/Ukr). O’Fortuna (the above plant) is a new introduction and recently registered sport of Concord. Standards. International Shipping; Sport of Humako Sweet + 29 Images to make 1 image of the Sport. After a number of years I seem to see a greater frequency of six petals chimera African violets with specific cultivars. What is the difference between a Chimera and an African Violet. Chimera Colored Edge Speckled Edge Geneva Edge Raised Edge A striped bloom mutation A sharp color change A fine dotted color fade A white or silver trim A thick, often ruffled edge. Miniature: A type of African violet which by definition measures 6 inches or less in overall diameter. Post a Comment. For example, there may be (pigmentless) white stripes in otherwise purple. General non-tissue culture propagation information. The Violet Barn. I plan on taking the flower stem and using a tissue culture method attempt to propagate a plant or two to see if the genetic characteristics expressed in the picture are a new phenotype, creating a new chimera African violet. Posted by admin on October 28, 2019 at 5:24 pm. Many hobbyists use the terms “pinwheel” and “chimera” interchangeably, but there are other types of African Violet chimeras. Humako sharon. O’Fortuna – A New Chimera African Violet Introduction. com Or you can call me at: 609-431-6982. critterologist Frederick, MD(Zone 6b) Nov 11, 2005. Each bloom is different. Skip to content. Not too hot; not too cold; fresh air but no drafts; and enough humidity (40 to 50%) to maintain tissue moisture. ----All images and text in this article are copyright by the author. Care is identical to that of other African violets. This is the first flowering of this plant that is 7+ inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. I used to think that it was a rip-off to see them priced at ridiculous amounts on eBay. Petite Deep Purple Semi Miniature African Violet plant, no description Price: $8. (10802) 01/05/2016 (C. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on PinterestSaintpaulia or African Violet is a flowering plant that originated in Africa 1. My favorite chimera is. Now you know my chimera African violet propagation secrets. African Violet Plant -- Snuggles Lady Dawn ~ variegated girl semi in bud. Chimera. com. Home; About. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. ; Aca’s Johnny Redcoats – semi-double flowers, dark lilac color, with white tips of petals; Violet. The question now becomes, is the pollination success rate between non-chimera African violets better then chimera African violets and if so what is the percentage differential if it exists. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses, Inc. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. The Chimera African Violet Blog. 1. – double, semi-double, single, fantasy. A very special breed of African violet. Skip to content. Your plant will be shipped priority mail 2. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Propagation. Stromborg) Single chimera dark purple pansy/white stripe. Salk Institute for Biological Studies. The foliage is standard, ovate, hairy. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Few other houseplants can match their ability to thrive and bloom indoors for months on end. To say the plant from a flower blooming color perspective is not stable is an understatement. Natalia was born and still lives in St. Beaumont, Texas. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Home; About. Of all the different ways to propagate african violets, this method is most difficult and takes a long time. has been a worldwide. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. Medium green, quilted. Chimera African Violets Gone Wrong (More) Attached is the latest to my photo collection of chimera African violets that have gone wrong. When propagating Chimera African violets, on occasion I notice that the leaf color is different. Berdnikova) Semidouble-double white and rose-pink fluted star. New Concord 2. A Chimera African violet is a mutation. The below images are plants derived from the same batch of flower stems from Titanic. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. Your plants should be slightly dry and in need of watering. $13. ~African Violet Photo Archive. Only plantlets from this area will produce plants true chimera African violets to the parents genotype and phenotype. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Home; About. It is not initially clear what the speaker is going for. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Lighting requirements for chimera African violets are the same as non-chimera African violets. Share photos, information, ask questions, discuss genetics. 2. As well as the main Saintpaulia species, subspecies and hybrids, there are also chimeras. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. Blue Scoundrel - $9. Medium green standard foliage. Posted by admin on August 29, 2015 at 6:00 pm. seemargin. In mythology, a chimera is a beast constructed of parts from two or more different animals. Firedancer (Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) This is a standard chimera with variegated medium green and ivory leaves. Chimeras, which have a characteristic stripe of color down the center of each petal lobe, will rarely produce offspring with the same color pattern. ----All images and text in this article are copyright by the author. The below image is the same chimera African violet (flower chimera) whose leaves were white (last months post) and maintained under 1600 lux LED lamp. 00. Concord hairs. $45. They. International Shipping; Sport Of Concord (second bloom) Sport of Concord. To put size into context, the seed is tiny. Both miniature and standard chimera African violets are available. Standard. Home; About. ~AVSA Photo Collection. Happy slicing and growing! If you missed it, read more in Propagating African Violet Chimeras Part 1. Secure online shopping. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Bookmark the permalink. This is because the plant cells are. This little gem has been so much fun to propagate and grow #EmeraldCity #BabyViolet #BabyChimera Three new #BloomStalks to put down !New Leaf Chimera African Violet Mutated From Yukako. This is the first flowering of this plant that is about 5+ inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. African Violets Digital Paper images watercolor hand painted purple lilac flower Instant Download for blog cards invitations scrapbooking (510) $ 8. Home; About. Below is a over view (literally) of the African violet plant. The image below is a nice side view of the unfurling bloom. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. The below image is the typical looking Yachiyo Tabata. Plant the leaf into a small pot with a light, porous propagating soil mix and bury the stem up to the base of the leaf. Growing Chimera African Violets Under LED Lighting. If we not available please leave a message we will get back to you quickly. Applegate) Single chimera light fuchsia-red. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Safe delivery by Express Mail. Do you want more then one beautiful blooming plant? No problem with our combo packs below. African violet does not bloom true . Semiminiatures and Miniatures; Semiminiatures and Miniatures Russian and Ukrainian Varieties; Trailers African Violet; Trailers Russian and Ukrainian Varieties; Wasps and Unusual African Violets; Standards; Standards Russian and Ukrainian Varieties; Chimeras AV; Hoya; Episcia; Begonia; Philodendron; Syngonium; VARIETY. It has large, double blooms that are pure white in color, are slightly ruffled, and have a beautiful sheen to them. (Left to right) Chimera African violets after five years of blooming. Posted by admin on March 31, 2013 at 9:52 pm. This is a standard chimera. But in the end the requirement of 3 generation of consistency being required to verify a new variant has proved its value. Variegated foliage. Usually a few tablespoons of water per cup of potting soil is just right. Home; About. You can purchase chimera african violets at our store page at. Yukako: This is a standard chimera known as Yukako. Semi mini. This is because they have two different types of cells in the leaf and stem. Bookmark the permalink. Bookmark the permalink. Shimai Chimera Flower Variants. Required fields are marked *Back in Sept of 2016 I wrote this blog. $12. Place your potted African Violet plants on top of the mat. This group is dedicated to chimera African Violets. Skip to content. Posted by admin on November 13, 2017 at 8:41 pm. This was a chimera African violet( chimera flower) that was given to me that had moderate amount of variegation, nothing very special. Metal plant stand. This entry was written by admin , posted on October 1, 2019 at 1:00 am , filed under Observations and tagged observations . SaintpauliaCa. As I do with a degree of frequency, I monitor eBay for chimera African violets I may want to purchase and on occasion any unusual non-chimera African violet that catches my fancy. This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 28 April, 2022. The resulting plant will have flowers that are a mix of the two parent plants’ colors. When you change the lighting angles and back light the bloom of the leaf chimera plant you see almost a pinwheel like coloration of darker purple on a lighter purple. 55 shipping. Starting a violet leaf is easy, fast, and. Leaf Chimera Proof 1. These plants are relatively easy to care for, and can be propagated by. A chimera African Violet contains mutated cells alongside other cells in its flowers or leaves. Perhaps better described as images of frustration. Both miniature and standard chimera African violets are available. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Below is the sport I observed. Water: When soil is dry. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. salbia68 (8,786) 100%. It is an industrial variety, standard size, smooth, and does not need any additional help to form. Remove a fresh leaf from the plant that you wish to propagate. Chimeras Episcias: Streptocarpus Thumbprints Kohlerias: xCodonanthus Russian/Ukrainian Miscellaneous Gesneriads : Miniature African Violets. Home; About. With the exception of one of the mutations producing what I considered a favorable outcome (Shimai) the rest of these are really not welcome. Plant A. dew. Yachiyo Tabata is an amazing chimera African violet. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Customer service. Skip to content. Watch a YouTube video of the segment. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Watch a YouTube video of the segment. This supplement. African Violet suckers can be removed using a “ sucker plucker “ tool or a similar sharp blade, pencil or sharp tool which can be used to pluck or scrape the sucker off from the stem. Though a chimera is any plant having this genetic characteristic, in African violets, this term is typically used to describe the “pinwheel” blossomed varieties, which. An African Violet can grow from 8–16 inches depending on its type. Your plant will be shipped priority mail in the 2-3. 99) Leaves ($7. A very thin white edge surrounds each bouquet of flowers. Add to Favorites African Violet Leaf Cuttings Labeled! Variegated and non variegated leaves (805) $. Make sure that any. Skip to content. Sport of Alliance. Chimera African Violet Crosses As follow up to a post from April 10th “Do Crosses Between Chimera African Violets Produce Viable Seed” and to the point that crosses of chimera African violets DO NOT produce other chimera African violets I have grown out to flower the cross of Rob’s Miriwinni (seed plant) X Monique (pollen plant). ED. Williams, Semi double, white large flowers, medium green leaves. Chimeras cannot be reproduced by leaf cutting, we have to use other techniques and in this video I will show 2 different techniques on how to propagate Afric. 00. Many Interested In Forming New Chapters. Links. Trailing African violets are perhaps the easiest to grow and bloom, especially for the. Simple in bloom structure and pattern yet distinct and complex in that the pink and purple pattern, like snowflakes, vary from bloom to bloom. Joan6aON Mississauga, ON (Zone 6a) Dec 05, 2005. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Variegated dark green and ivory. Musings From the "Mini-Mam". Chimeras cannot be propagated by leaf cuttings because they are composed of two genetically different layers of tissue, whereas, in African violets, each plant produced from a leaf comes from a single. They discussed the various types of African violets, how to repot a plant with. Photographs taken in Sept. Very cute! Tiny, dark blue, double stars. Light green, heart-shaped, serrated. But not if your African Violet is a chimera. The Chimera African Violet Blog. African violet chimera flowers sport a pale background with darker "pinwheel" type stripes. 08. One genetic type is located in the skin cells and the other. Find My Store. Bloom 5. The foliage is medium green (AVSA 12/20/14, Reg#10734, M. For more care tips visit myViolet. The Chimera African Violet Blog. 99. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Here is a brief guide on how to propagate chimera african violets: Yukako –A single purple with green chimera. $7. Chimeras cannot be propagated by leaf cuttings because they are composed of two genetically different layers of tissue, whereas, in African violets, each plant produced from a leaf comes from a single. O. 3 – Doubled. April 1, 2022 – 1:00 am This is an example of an African violet sport that has no genetic stability in its bloom color. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. African violets are very easily propagated from leaf. Sponsored. Posted by admin on April 25, 2020 at 7:44 pm. Chimera African violets produced from flower stems or from suckers, on occasion may not produce flowers you expect. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. One of the varieties " Blue Boy ," produced a mutation that had the white-to-yellowsih discoloration at the base of the leaf. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Small pop up greenhous. Posted by admin on April 12, 2015 at 1:27 pm. Happy slicing and growing! If you missed it, read more in Propagating African Violet Chimeras Part 1. Semiminiature African Violets. Sep 11, 2022 - A few different methods for propagating African Violet chimeras - several photos have links for additional step by step information. Oakville African Violet Society. Registered African Violets - Dec 1, 1960 - Dec. African Violet Chimeras. All are welcome. This entry was written by admin , posted on April 1, 2014 at 12:01 am , filed under Flowering , Observations . History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. A complete catalog of mini and semi-mini violets can be found and read on the Internet. Again another sport and an interesting outcome. Ad In (5087) 11/10/1982 (S. Alan`s White Feather (Murphy)Простые или полумахровые крупные волнистые белые колокольчики ,светлозеленая заострённая листва , полумини. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Post 5. There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. Skip to content. Single chimera medium blue bell/white stripe. tricolor). Posted by admin on October 6, 2020 at 5:31 pm. Mrs. This is the most common method of propagating chimera African violets. Many of the white and pink varieties resemble peppermint candies. Offering fresh cut leaves, leaf pots and starter plants! The store is closed for the balance of 2023.